Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) for Iran Floods 2019

February 5, 2020

Following the floods and landslides of April 2019, the Plan and Budget Organization (PBO), Government of Iran commissioned the United Nations (UN) system to conduct a Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) of the impact of the floods and landslides in three selected provinces of Golestan, Lorestan and Khuzestan. The assessment was led by Government of Iran over a period of six weeks starting from 2nd July to 9th August 2019. A team of multi-sectoral experts from the UN agencies and national experts conducted the assessment with representatives from relevant line ministries and estimated the damage, loss and recovery needs across 12 sectors.

The assessment included Social Sectors such as Housing, Education, Culture and Tourism; Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock for the Productive Sector; Infrastructure Sectors such as Energy, Transport, Water and Sanitation and Community Infrastructure; and Cross-Cutting Sectors such as Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Employment and Livelihoods, and Gender and Social Inclusion. The report presents a consolidated view, based on field surveys and information received from various line ministries, departments and the expertise of a multi institutional and interdisciplinary assessment team.

The assessment in Iran started with a two-day orientation of the line ministries and UN agencies to receive an overview of the methodology and adapt the data templates for the assessment to the local context. About 200 government representatives from the affected provinces and line ministries attended the orientation sessions. The following three weeks were allotted to data collection and estimating damage and loss for each sector by province. A second workshop was organized with the line ministries and UN agencies for the various sectors to draft reports and check data gaps and address cross-sectoral issues. The workshop also provided the platform to discuss the way forward for the recovery and lessons for conducting future assessments.

Click here to download the PDNA Report in English.

Click here to download the PDNA Report in Farsi.